The Garage Lab

蓋瑞基實驗室 Your brain networks


The garage lab establishment

車庫實驗室 於2009/9月在台北正式成立, 由於中華民國經濟部商業司的死腦袋, 中文公司名 變更為 蓋瑞基網絡股份有限公司, 但英文名仍為 The Garage Lab. 過程堅辛, 但總是個開始.

目前夥伴一共有四位, 我們除了致力於車庫實驗室核心技術開發外, 並同時經營運動社群網站和個人化商品事業, 而在這些經營的同時也practice The Garage Lab的運作模式, 由在不同崗位上對這事業經營有興趣的人, 各貢獻心力進行, 我們仍究歡迎有興趣的人加入運作, 所有的合作模式都是可能的, 各種人才都是歡迎的

目前我們正在進行運作一個全新的商業模式, 需要有財務工程興趣的人才加入, 如對內容有興趣, 歡迎把我們加入facebook.

BTW, 我們不是在找你會的, 而是在找你有熱情的


用你的iphone 作你Macbook 的網卡上網吧!

Apple 在iPhone OS 3 加上了一個Internet Ththering 的功能, 此功能是可以讓iphone 3G 變成無限上網的網卡.

這功能只要到 網路設定啓動 General->Network->Internet Tethering->On

1. 可以透過Bluetooth 或 2. 用USB 因為藍牙耗電, 建議用USB.

這樣就可以用你的iphone 上網了.

要注意的是, 官網上有說有可能會被額外收費, 但我記得跟中華電信簽約的時候並沒有這一條. 如果不怕中華電信坑殺, 就用吧, 可以省掉3G網卡的錢


What business is in "Pay as you go" cloud computing world

Cloud computing is a software as service infrastructure. You don't pay the money for services up front including buying powerful personal computer or servers, software licenses and server maintenance. On the cloud computing, you pay as you go like hiring a Cab service. But what do we need to pay? What $$ opportunities are in this "Pay as you go"? On old internet, almost everything has been free. What can we charge for in the cloud? If we cannot find user value in this cloud, it just looks like big bubble to me.
I try to write down the gap between investment in the cloud and user's mind about using internet services here to see if we can find any gold mine.

Service provider investment In users mine
ServersI am not paying any money to buy your servers.
Bandwidth (Upload)I have my own debt to pay to ISP.
Service developmentMaybe I would pay for your hard work, but look google offers this for free
Running service(All the bills)I run my services and you run yours. Seems fair to me

Which conclude that ISP makes money, google makes money and rest of you Don't.



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Opera Unite.

We are closely achieving real massive collaboration between individual nodes.

Power of individuals. Power of social networking.


Why android, fame of google.

在台灣科技產業界現在正流行著put android in everything. 手機上了Android, MID 要上Android, Netbook 要上Android, 連Set top box 都要上Android. Why why why? 因為是台灣是被Sun Microsystem 洗腦最成功的地方(Java rules)?還是Android 真的對User來說很好用?
我只知道Android 界面不是很講究, 說實在應該不是後者, 那前者應該是重要的因素。不過我參與這麼多Android 策略技術的運用的討論, 讓我覺得提出要用Android的人有著深深的戀Google情結, 只要是Google出的一定是好的!常常在會議中google這 google 那的, 讓大家都覺得Android 正是大家尋求向藍海航行的航空母艦。真的是這樣嗎?事實上並不是每一項Google的Project都有好的結果, 他們今年就關了不少Projects(跟本人有合作的project就被關了), 而且連主業搜尋廣告業績也往下掉, Android 到底能有多少資源在理面, 真是還一個謎。可是因為台灣大眾對品牌的迷思,都讓很多人對Google 出品的東西與成功劃上等號, 就這樣一大群人正準備著推出帶著Android 平台的新設備。
另外一個原因, 我猜想台灣會一窩蜂(台灣文化)的往Android 平台靠攏, 應該是宏達電的行銷的成功, 雖然Google Phone 的銷售不是很理想的情況下, 但卻靠品牌行銷, 讓許多人認定的HTC玩的, 我們跟一定是對的、是趨勢。
其實這些現象帶出了我們台灣在產品開發或新創時, 沒有先想好自己適合辦演的角色, 而是先以流行作為優先判斷的因子, 表面上看來是符合市場口味, 實際上這些市場是由行銷及品牌創造出來的海市蜃摟, 品牌創造者應該早就霸著綠洲, 也許有可能這海市蜃樓會變成真的高樓, 但這的確是大大的冒險。
老實說我並無法斷言Android的成功或失敗,可以知道的是, 2009年底及2010初, 會有一波Android devices潮,也許也會帶動所謂的流行風潮, 現在就看看Android平台將來會是藍藍海洋,或變成沙漠一片。


Windows mobile Marketplace is coming soon

No joking. 微軟的確已經預告了Windows mobile marketplace 即將上線, 這代表著iphone app store 之後, 其實行動產業已思考:手機除了打電話以外還能作些什麼? 就產業創新來說, 一般都是門檻高的技術去整併次要的技術, 這一次當然是由行動技術去整併已成熟廣泛的電腦, GPS, 遊戲機或其他...什麼是其他?市場還沒出來前, 沒有人知道, 或什麼都可以是?但所有使用者的期待是不是都能發生?
單一手機開發商因為人力有限, 確實很難將所有使用者想要的功能都作進去一個設備當中, 那為何不讓使用者自己做. Apple 的 App store 採取了這個方式, 創造了約每日100萬美元的營業額, 但畢竟App store 只為了iphone 單一平台及其用戶而已, 那被Smart phone廣泛使用的Windows mobile platform呢? 當然這是可預期相當可觀的收入(如果經營的好的話), 微軟自然是不會放過這樣的機會的, 微軟當然計畫自成為PC的作業系統霸主後, 再成為行動平台作業系統的霸主, 我相信以微軟的財力及能力是決對沒有問題的, 不過它的Windows mobile 的license 費用太貴也會成為手機廠選用平台時的一個考量, 這也是另一競爭者Google Android 平台的機會, 但畢竟Open source 的技術, 往往會成為消費用產品品質的一個考量(統一控管), 可以從歷史去發現這個事實(Linux V.S Windows).
另外, 手機最大廠NOKIA 自家的Symbian, 當然也再計畫同樣的故事, 到時後再看看誰會贏得這個戰爭?

Nokia Symbian Ovi store
Google Android (Android market)
BlackBerry Applications Center
Palm Software Store


ActionScript 3 Referece app for iphone

Recommend ActionScript 3 Reference for iPhone by Mike Chambers. if you have an iphone and also a Flash application developer, you might need this neat application on you iphone to get you access Actionscript 3 Class reference docs for Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 and Flex 3 where ever you are.
It also comes with a search function that you can find the class you are looking for in no time. Good news is "It's free."! You can download this app here

(iphone is not included)

你是iphone 使用者也是Flash 軟體開發人員嗎?介紹這個由Adobe AIR 達人製作的 iphone 軟件, 它提供了所有Actionscript 3所要用的類別索引, 用字母排列, 也可以用搜尋的方式, 很快找到要參考的類別


Papervision 3D, Basic tutorial

Papervision3D is a 3D engine for Flash CS3, and soon will have a new class component for CS4. Recently a famous blog link introducing about augmented reality on GE website brings attention to papervision 3D. I thought I post a simple tutorial for anyone who wants to get start.


使用 Google Maps,如何方便切換全球及中國的圖資

如果使用過 就可以發現中國版的 google map 與全球通用版 的圖資是不一樣的。

我們一般使用全球版的圖資所引用的 API javascript 連結是,而中國版所用的是。雖然 API KEY 可以通用,但是所用的 domain 一個是,中國版則是。


一開始是想利用 Dynamically loading an external JavaScript or CSS file 動態載入 Javascript 的方式來切換不同圖資來源的 javascript 連結。不久便發現石頭所說的狀況,也就是「不易掌握載入狀況及執行順序」導致 API Javascript 連結還沒引入完成,頁面就執行到下方的 Javascript,而有找不到 Google API 物件的狀況發生。

這時候有考慮利用石頭的 XmlHttpRequest 的方式,但對原有的程式架構影響過大,只好放棄。

就在我們尋找 solution 的過程中,發現可以利用 Google Maps API 的 GTileLayer 裡的 getTileUrl 屬性來變動所用的圖資來源。在 Google Map API 的 Group 有提到範例

首先要建立 GTileLayer 物件,並設定 tileUrl。var chinaTileLayer = new GTileLayer(new GCopyrightCollection(""), 1, 17);
chinaTileLayer.getTileUrl = function(tile, zoom) {
zoom = this.maxResolution() - zoom;
return ""+tile.x+"&y="+tile.y+"&zoom="+zoom;

利用 GTileLayer 來建立 MapType 物件。var G_CHINA_MAP =
new GMapType( [chinaTileLayer], new GMercatorProjection(23), "中國地圖" );

新增到 GMapTypeControl 裡。map.addMapType(G_CHINA_MAP);






Wikinomic blooms

It's been a long time since my last update. Been ver very busy for a so called job.
And this one is not much to do about neither social networking nor Web apps. Kind of upsetting, but it's job,isn't it.
Recently the social networking getting hotter and hotter. Many online collaboration interfaces have been launched or noticed. It was great to see this is happening although I still couldn't do much about it to participate. But I believe in a decade
,this wiki-like online behavior possibly will change the world ecnomic system.


用 Javascript 控制滑鼠轉輪

最近Google Map 終於推出台灣的圖資, 雖然不是很完整, 但至少也是個開始, 所以我也拿來試著寫一個interactive application. 發現其中的滑鼠轉輪的 event 操作, 也許可以運用在更多的地方, 所以我也找到了一個很簡單的javascript code 紀錄分享.

//*******************sample code starts here********************************//

** 這個功能是來用作為滑鼠滾動時的反應
* delta 是javascript 對滾輪轉動定義的值
function handle(delta) {
if (delta < 0)
alert("mouse scroll down");
alert("mouse scroll up");

/** 滑鼠的事件
* 瀏覽器對滑鼠轉動的delta 值有不同定義
* 有不同作法! 請注意
function wheel(event){

var scrollvalue = 0; // 滾輪起始值

if (!event) /* For IE. */
event = window.event;
if (event.wheelDelta) { /* IE/Opera. */
delta = event.wheelDelta/120;
/** In Opera 9, delta differs in sign as compared to IE.
if (window.opera)
delta = -delta;
} else if (event.detail) { /** Mozilla case. */
/** In Mozilla, sign of delta is different than in IE.
* Also, delta is multiple of 3.
delta = -event.detail/3;

/** 如果delta 值不是零, 呼叫功用.
* 這是當滑鼠轉動時的作用
* 往上轉是正值, 往下轉是負值

if (delta)


if (event.preventDefault)
event.returnValue = false;

** 功能初始
* 將event listner 加上滑鼠

if (window.addEventListener)
/** DOMMouseScroll is for mozilla. */

window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', wheel, false);

/** IE/Opera. */
window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = wheel;

//*******************code end********************************//
請剪貼上面post的code 做測試, 你可以用來製造特別風格的scroll bar, 或制作有滑鼠動作的遊戲 ! enjoy!

原始碼來自 adomas


comment on HD-DVD hacking code 差點搞毀 Digg

Digg 是一個非常成功且個人認為設計很好的一個新聞社群網站, 就在兩天前, 該社群的一位會員post 一篇上面擁有HD-DVD 破解的hex code, 有了那個code就可以破解HD-DVD的光碟格式, 但因為Digg 工作人員認為直接把碼貼出公佈, 有違法律, 為了避免刑責, 網站選擇了刪除這篇文章即其相關擁有該碼的回應, 此舉引發用戶不滿與批評, 一天內跟這碼有關及內含該碼的文章塞爆了Digg, 內文批判Digg 違反言論自由與社群網站的精神, Digg 不應控制會員的發表內容甚至將文章刪除, 一時之間新聞社群變成言論自由與著作權法的攻防戰場, 結果是該網站創立人Kevin Rose親自向大家道歉, 並承諾不再刪除任何文章, 就算整個網站要因為背著被告及關站的危險, 也要讓大家把該說得話都一字不漏的說出來.

我訝異的事, 百分之九十以上的人都支持言論自由, 只有少數人為了這件事是不是涉及違法而為負責人辯護, 讓我假設
1. 社群網站的大部分使用者都愛使用盜版
2. 正版愛好者不屑用或不會用社群網路
3. 在美國言論自由 > 著作權保護 (美國人為了要言而不盡而使用盜版?)
4. 成為海盜比加入海軍更為榮耀
5. Sony 為了Blue-Ray 背後操縱此事件, 為了要擊垮Toshiba的HD-DVD 陣營
6. 只要是社群, 言論自由是受web 2.0 公約保護的 (請加入wiki, 共同寫出此公約)

如果我這些假設都不成立, 那我就不懂此事的邏輯在哪? 社群經營要不要有管委會呢?


Folding at Home, a good lead that the garage lab can follow

Folding@Home is a project designed to perform computationally intensive simulations of protein folding and other molecular dynamics simulations. The project was initialed by Stanford University. The main goal is to research the diseases caused by protein misfolding using distributed computing. what stanford doing here is not using some super computers or cluster machines to do the large computing and simulations. Instead, it releases Folding@Home client that can runs on individual PC background. What client does is silently using your unused cpu to collect data from server and perform calculations.
Everybody who has PC box or PS3 can download it and run it on your pc as screensaver. I will call it a smart way to build up a super cluster without spending much money buying machines. Because thousands of people involved, it really helps speed up solving protein misfolding mystery in order to find cure for some diseases.

Ideally, Folding@Home provides a platform that people can work together just through internet and don't even need to know the knowledge of protein or whatsoever. That contribution is much more than any single research center or institute can offer. What if we apply this method to our economic society. Change the way we collaborate without seeing each other or knowing each other. What will it be like?

I believe more will follow.

Download client


Design -- the Cheapest Vanity 設計是最便宜的浮華

我常常逛敦化誠品, 雜誌區是我的最愛, 其次就是工作需要會待上一會的設計書區, 早在7, 8 年前, 設計書區往往冷清, 現在每次到那裡去, 總是有一些年輕人, 翻著像平面設計,商標設計的書, 或是討論日式風格跟歐式風格哪個室內設計比較突出, 我突然意識到設計在台灣, 似乎已成為一種流行, 我曉得這幾年來, 有幾位文化人在台灣推動設計和創意, 這的確把以往向來不被重視的美感藝術及物品文化價值的層面讓大眾接收, 看著路上精品店越來越多, 自有品牌設計師也逐漸有勇氣, 大膽的嘗試市場.
如果有錢, 家裡買些所謂設計精品來用或觀賞, 也已成為浮華文化的部份, 但設計的好處是, 它可以是免費的, 就算買不起精品, 自己也可以透過書籍及互動媒體, 來成就這種奢華, 這不只是自己對於美的事物的欣賞, 也可在社交當中, 用最低的成本來創造話題, 宴會間可以討論孫芸芸今天拿什麼牌子的包包, 或者只要唸出幾個有名設計師的名字與作品, 同樣都是吸引目光.

就經濟學考量, 這些待在誠品的年輕人是對的, 不用花錢, 卻一樣浮華, 真的希望他們也領受到文化的本質, 而不是單純的追逐美感流行而已.


從wii 新聞事件看草根媒體的力量

最近wii 新聞被媒體炒的沸沸揚揚, 一下又是某個名人在玩, 一下又是NCC要對有wii水貨的玩家開罰, 被主流媒體一披露wii的魅力, 所有跟wii+NCC有關的消息動輒得咎, 其實媒體對wii熱度的消息來源, 皆來自玩家個人部落格, 加以整理放大, 就連NCC的大動作也因網友的反彈, 行政院也表示要NCC審慎處理, 可見部落格這草根媒體力量之大, 已成為主流媒體的新聞來源, 也取代主流媒體成為主流民意的發聲地.

這樣集合眾人力量的媒體平台, 其公信力也許已遠超過只有少數編輯人員所產生的新聞媒體, 這種開放性的制衡能力, 使得訊息的正確公正性, 反而比現在的主流媒體高.

很多人會認為, 網路論壇和部落格的發言常常無法考證, 但隨著社會軟體開放性的參與架構與參與的人增加, 對於文章的真實性往往有更多人審閱其合理性, 縱然沒有正確答案, 也因為熱切的討論, 而給予觀看的人進一步思考事件真實或對錯的空間, 反觀現在像電視, 報紙和雜誌所謂的主流媒體, 確可由少數人, 甚至於一個記者就可判定事情真偽, 觀看的人更容易陷入恆錯的答案中, 也容易產生言論的對立.

所以今日草根媒體的力量會是正面而有意義的資識文化運動, 我們期待這也可以推動新聞媒體的改革


Usefulness of Semantic Web

研究所時, 花了一些時間研究了一下Semantic Web和XML, 那時候覺得這是個未來性的東西, 而且加上不同背景的人也許對事物的認知有不同的定義, 是很難有所謂的共通XML tag, 所以有沒有在這方面繼續的專研, 直到最近開始研究Tagging之於Human Computation, 讓我想重新定義Semantic concept 在Web上有效的運用

回想一下所學, Semantic Web is the web of Data. 理想就是網站由Information content, 回到最原始的Data content, 這樣的好處是不只人類看的懂這些網站, 也讓機器看的懂, 因為Information 是非常複雜的Ontology 架構, 但就算回到用Meta Data, 一樣是由人給定義, 所以相同的"尋找共通定義"又變的非常重要. 這裡必須注意, Semantic Web 是為了讓機器懂網站內容而發展, 並不是為了人能快速的分享知識而發展, 其中還有很多是需要修正成真正有人類文明的知識本體, 這比讓機器懂得人類的語言應該更有意義.

如果說, 當人們在各自建立Semantic web 的同時, 機器不但瞭解各網站的語意, 機器也能將所有有相同Tag的網站相異性和相同處整理出來, 這樣對使用者來說, 才是有Semantic web的價值

Semantic Web wiki
An article about Semantic Web on Scientific American


More tagging discussion

我還在找合理的tagging 方式, 所謂合理, 我指的是人類文化知識鏈結, 而不是只淪為個人化分類工具, 這幾天看了兩篇參考文章, 第一篇是Rashmi Sinha 寫的A cognitive analysis of tagging, 和一篇是這篇讀者的延伸文, 我整理一下重點

在A cognitive analysis of tagging文裡, Rashmi 討論了Tagging 和 Categorization 的差異, 他指出, 在使用行為當中, categorization 會比Tagging 多了一道心理手續


1) 發現觀念A -> 2) 思考A的關連 -> 3)選擇觀念X 並將觀念X跟觀念A連結存起來

1) 發現觀念A -> 2) 思考A的關連 並將觀念A與觀念X1, X.., Xn連結存起來

我發現出這兩種方式都還欠缺了不同人用共同的觀念X, Categorization 雖是可以簡單的限制共用, 但同樣的也限制了觀念A的所有可能性


1) 發現觀念A -> 2) 思考A的關連 並將觀念A與 已Semantic 過的觀念X1, X.., Xn 連結存起來

這其中如何將Semantic concept 注入tagging 中是比較值得再研究的.


Art to Design

Few years ago, I had a debate with my friend who was a graphic designer in a design firm on the topic of art and design. Be more precise, our argument was “is designer an artist or is an artist a designer?” She insisted on by implementing graphic art to her work is design. I disagreed with that. My stand was design is more than just art. Art basically satisfy human emotions, but design is more complicate than that. Of course, art works can be part of design, but definitely not all of it. Factors of human behavior are what we need to achieve on designing objects. My definition: If we create something making your eye shine and your emotion high, that’s art. But design, despite of that, we still need to consider the usefulness of objects. It doesn’t mean designed objects have no taste of art. Surely it is also important we apply the sense of arts on to the design. It absolutely helps us to use things often with better feeling. But making things ease to use is our goal for design, isn’t it.


Steve's Thought on Music

Yes, He is trying to convince us all again. Apple CEO Steve Jobs wrote an article on Apple website explaining why apple has to screw you on iTune store.

Here is the quote

" With the stunning global success of Apple’s iPod music player and iTunes online music store, some have called for Apple to “open” the digital rights management (DRM) system that Apple uses to protect its music against theft, so that music purchased from iTunes can be played on digital devices purchased from other companies, and protected music purchased from other online music stores can play on iPods. Let’s examine the current situation and how we got here, then look at three possible alternatives for the future.

To begin, it is useful to remember that all iPods play music that is free of any DRM and encoded in “open” licensable formats such as MP3 and AAC. iPod users can and do acquire their music from many sources, including CDs they own. Music on CDs can be easily imported into the freely-downloadable iTunes jukebox software which runs on both Macs and Windows PCs, and is automatically encoded into the open AAC or MP3 formats without any DRM. This music can be played on iPods or any other music players that play these open formats.

The rub comes from the music Apple sells on its online iTunes Store. Since Apple does not own or control any music itself, it must license the rights to distribute music from others, primarily the “big four” music companies: Universal, Sony BMG, Warner and EMI. These four companies control the distribution of over 70% of the world’s music. When Apple approached these companies to license their music to distribute legally over the Internet, they were extremely cautious and required Apple to protect their music from being illegally copied. The solution was to create a DRM system, which envelopes each song purchased from the iTunes store in special and secret software so that it cannot be played on unauthorized devices.

Apple was able to negotiate landmark usage rights at the time, which include allowing users to play their DRM protected music on up to 5 computers and on an unlimited number of iPods. Obtaining such rights from the music companies was unprecedented at the time, and even today is unmatched by most other digital music services. However, a key provision of our agreements with the music companies is that if our DRM system is compromised and their music becomes playable on unauthorized devices, we have only a small number of weeks to fix the problem or they can withdraw their entire music catalog from our iTunes store.

To prevent illegal copies, DRM systems must allow only authorized devices to play the protected music. If a copy of a DRM protected song is posted on the Internet, it should not be able to play on a downloader’s computer or portable music device. To achieve this, a DRM system employs secrets. There is no theory of protecting content other than keeping secrets. In other words, even if one uses the most sophisticated cryptographic locks to protect the actual music, one must still “hide” the keys which unlock the music on the user’s computer or portable music player. No one has ever implemented a DRM system that does not depend on such secrets for its operation.

The problem, of course, is that there are many smart people in the world, some with a lot of time on their hands, who love to discover such secrets and publish a way for everyone to get free (and stolen) music. They are often successful in doing just that, so any company trying to protect content using a DRM must frequently update it with new and harder to discover secrets. It is a cat-and-mouse game. Apple’s DRM system is called FairPlay. While we have had a few breaches in FairPlay, we have been able to successfully repair them through updating the iTunes store software, the iTunes jukebox software and software in the iPods themselves. So far we have met our commitments to the music companies to protect their music, and we have given users the most liberal usage rights available in the industry for legally downloaded music.

With this background, let’s now explore three different alternatives for the future.

The first alternative is to continue on the current course, with each manufacturer competing freely with their own “top to bottom” proprietary systems for selling, playing and protecting music. It is a very competitive market, with major global companies making large investments to develop new music players and online music stores. Apple, Microsoft and Sony all compete with proprietary systems. Music purchased from Microsoft’s Zune store will only play on Zune players; music purchased from Sony’s Connect store will only play on Sony’s players; and music purchased from Apple’s iTunes store will only play on iPods. This is the current state of affairs in the industry, and customers are being well served with a continuing stream of innovative products and a wide variety of choices.

Some have argued that once a consumer purchases a body of music from one of the proprietary music stores, they are forever locked into only using music players from that one company. Or, if they buy a specific player, they are locked into buying music only from that company’s music store. Is this true? Let’s look at the data for iPods and the iTunes store – they are the industry’s most popular products and we have accurate data for them. Through the end of 2006, customers purchased a total of 90 million iPods and 2 billion songs from the iTunes store. On average, that’s 22 songs purchased from the iTunes store for each iPod ever sold.

Today’s most popular iPod holds 1000 songs, and research tells us that the average iPod is nearly full. This means that only 22 out of 1000 songs, or under 3% of the music on the average iPod, is purchased from the iTunes store and protected with a DRM. The remaining 97% of the music is unprotected and playable on any player that can play the open formats. It’s hard to believe that just 3% of the music on the average iPod is enough to lock users into buying only iPods in the future. And since 97% of the music on the average iPod was not purchased from the iTunes store, iPod users are clearly not locked into the iTunes store to acquire their music.

The second alternative is for Apple to license its FairPlay DRM technology to current and future competitors with the goal of achieving interoperability between different company’s players and music stores. On the surface, this seems like a good idea since it might offer customers increased choice now and in the future. And Apple might benefit by charging a small licensing fee for its FairPlay DRM. However, when we look a bit deeper, problems begin to emerge. The most serious problem is that licensing a DRM involves disclosing some of its secrets to many people in many companies, and history tells us that inevitably these secrets will leak. The Internet has made such leaks far more damaging, since a single leak can be spread worldwide in less than a minute. Such leaks can rapidly result in software programs available as free downloads on the Internet which will disable the DRM protection so that formerly protected songs can be played on unauthorized players.

An equally serious problem is how to quickly repair the damage caused by such a leak. A successful repair will likely involve enhancing the music store software, the music jukebox software, and the software in the players with new secrets, then transferring this updated software into the tens (or hundreds) of millions of Macs, Windows PCs and players already in use. This must all be done quickly and in a very coordinated way. Such an undertaking is very difficult when just one company controls all of the pieces. It is near impossible if multiple companies control separate pieces of the puzzle, and all of them must quickly act in concert to repair the damage from a leak.

Apple has concluded that if it licenses FairPlay to others, it can no longer guarantee to protect the music it licenses from the big four music companies. Perhaps this same conclusion contributed to Microsoft’s recent decision to switch their emphasis from an “open” model of licensing their DRM to others to a “closed” model of offering a proprietary music store, proprietary jukebox software and proprietary players.

The third alternative is to abolish DRMs entirely. Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats. In such a world, any player can play music purchased from any store, and any store can sell music which is playable on all players. This is clearly the best alternative for consumers, and Apple would embrace it in a heartbeat. If the big four music companies would license Apple their music without the requirement that it be protected with a DRM, we would switch to selling only DRM-free music on our iTunes store. Every iPod ever made will play this DRM-free music.

Why would the big four music companies agree to let Apple and others distribute their music without using DRM systems to protect it? The simplest answer is because DRMs haven’t worked, and may never work, to halt music piracy. Though the big four music companies require that all their music sold online be protected with DRMs, these same music companies continue to sell billions of CDs a year which contain completely unprotected music. That’s right! No DRM system was ever developed for the CD, so all the music distributed on CDs can be easily uploaded to the Internet, then (illegally) downloaded and played on any computer or player.

In 2006, under 2 billion DRM-protected songs were sold worldwide by online stores, while over 20 billion songs were sold completely DRM-free and unprotected on CDs by the music companies themselves. The music companies sell the vast majority of their music DRM-free, and show no signs of changing this behavior, since the overwhelming majority of their revenues depend on selling CDs which must play in CD players that support no DRM system.

So if the music companies are selling over 90 percent of their music DRM-free, what benefits do they get from selling the remaining small percentage of their music encumbered with a DRM system? There appear to be none. If anything, the technical expertise and overhead required to create, operate and update a DRM system has limited the number of participants selling DRM protected music. If such requirements were removed, the music industry might experience an influx of new companies willing to invest in innovative new stores and players. This can only be seen as a positive by the music companies.

Much of the concern over DRM systems has arisen in European countries. Perhaps those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM-free. For Europeans, two and a half of the big four music companies are located right in their backyard. The largest, Universal, is 100% owned by Vivendi, a French company. EMI is a British company, and Sony BMG is 50% owned by Bertelsmann, a German company. Convincing them to license their music to Apple and others DRM-free will create a truly interoperable music marketplace. Apple will embrace this wholeheartedly."

to conclude: Apple makes money and all responsibilities go to others.

More......Warner Bros Chief disagree


Tagging whatever

Web2.0的精髓就是讓不管是任何degree使用者, 皆可以對網路產生貢獻, 但在這麼多的貢獻內容當中, 又沒有Webmater 在做分類, 那這些內容到底怎麼自動的整理給讀者看, Tagging 的概念就產生了. 那我們是不是可以什麼都tag呢(tagging whatever)?

Wikipeidia 對Tag 有詳細說明, 它用keywords 來形容Tags, 是方便讀者下關鍵字找到該篇文章, 其實Tagging 簡單來說就是讓作者自己下分類, 畢竟內容如何分類, 作者是最清楚的, 只是每個作者對metadata的邏輯和知識本體(Ontology)的詮釋不盡相同, 這樣隨便沒系統的Tagging, 說實話對節省讀者找到文章或內容的時間並沒太大幫助, 它大概能幫一大堆有相關的objects 全串起來, 但可沒辦法分出關係連結的強度

例如 A 寫了一篇關於東京街頭的咖啡屋, 它提到店裡最有名的爪哇咖啡, A 認為因為爪哇咖啡是這家店的特色, 所以就把爪哇跟咖啡Tagging 起來, 但事實上當讀者會用爪哇咖啡去找文章或內容時, 應該是要知道關於這種咖啡的訊息, 可是搜尋後卻出現東京的咖啡聽, 不能說他們兩者沒關連, 只是關連強度太低, 是否有必要Push給讀者, 這是我們要討論的.

或許我們可以將Tag 分級(+-), 來計算出tagging 後文章和內容的關連強度, 再用強度去分類給讀者去選擇, 也許可以將Garbage Information降到最低. 做法可能可以由作者手動或由人工智慧去做, 但重點是在瞭解人類對語言的多重反應, 才能設計一個正確方式


從Second life 來看網路社群未來性

對於近年來網路虛擬社群發展, 有一個網站一定都會被提起, 它就是Second life, 它可以說是一個線上遊戲, 但它的社群發展精神卻大於遊戲本身的故事架構

網路的好處是打破實體世界的疆界, 而Second life 更是跨越了網路的疆界, 這個疆界就是"行為", 從WWW發展至今, 早期的web1.0 莫過於e-commerce 或 content 的傳達, 以行為分就為

  1. 瀏覽

  2. 搜尋

  3. 購買

到現在 web 2.0 時代, 更多的社群產生, 但行為上也只增加了

4. 回饋content

不管是1.0或2.0, 每一個網站其實都已經預設了使用者的固定行為模式, 而second life 卻是建構在一個未限定行為的型態, 這是最接近現實人類生活模式的一種方式. 如果是建立社群, 社群也是應由一群有共通意識, 但行為不盡相同所產生的互補模式而來, 分工負責本是應該造就這世界的力量, 人類知識也是因此而累積. 如果說21世紀是知識經濟的世界, 單一科學知識的累積是不夠的, 我相信能掌握跨知識的人才會是最大贏家

See you in second life!


The garage lab next step

實驗室因大家生活上的忙路停擺了一陣子, 這陣子也讓我決定一定要將這實驗室升級, 目前也正在規劃中, 期望能於短期內有進度

車庫實驗室擴建工程 起始人 Sean
Online Game 2.0 起始人 Sean
昆蟲2.0 起始人 Ben















  EC (挑蟲)








科瑞基實驗室 the garage lab成立的原因是要為一些廣大離開學校的創意人或夢想家, 再一次有機會集結起來, 能夠合作案件, 就像回到學校實驗室或工作室般. 這裡希望能夠提供大家找伙伴的環境, 做創意發想,與執行, 我們希望能做到的是大家能在這裡創造出改變人類生活的新經濟模型或改善自己生活的經濟模型.

科瑞基實驗室 the garage lab, 正確英翻中叫車庫實驗室, 這名字的由來取予兩個單字, 一是車庫garage, 一是實驗室 lab, 我們都知道在矽谷有一群從車庫創業的年輕人, 他們創造了這一二十年來的經濟奇蹟, 希望我們能將這個空間就當成那些車庫一樣, 有一群對創業有憧憬但沒有車庫可用或沒有伙伴的夢想家, 在此執行專案和發明, 另外實驗室一字的意義是在希望大家能有實驗的精神, 勇於發想嘗試, 這裡不怕失敗, 沒有畢業壓力, 而且甚至你就成為教授, 自己開你自己的專案實驗室, 呼招你的合作人, 在這裡是能量是無限的, 空間是無限的, 時間是無限的, 其許大家都能成為下十年的公司創辦人

Lab Janitor
Sean Chiu
The garage Lab


To do lists

thinking this as real lab in school. What do we need? what will do inside?
create a platform for partners
member system
project managment system
member relation managment system
administration platform

I recently saw a blog talking about Hitachi data system held a event called Lunch 2.0. I thought we can create a conference space and time for our users. at lunch or dinner hour, system will send invitation to project runners if their project leaders want to have meeting with them. Lunch is a good time when people are working in the companies and without private time to do their own project. I think it is a brilliant idea to offer our users this function. It may be too fancy, but I believe it will catch some geeks

首先要恭喜各位伙伴, 我們的車庫實驗室成立了, 此實驗室成立的宗旨是要凝聚一些有創意發想的伙伴, 在這實驗室下可以共同執行計畫, 有一天都能夠將這些夢想實現

CONGLUATION ! Partners. "The garage Lab" was founded today. Hooray! This lab provides an environment or lets say a "Virtual Laboratory" for all you guys who are desperated to achieve your dreams but without partnership, funds or any condition you cannot get. we hope you can get what you lack of from different individual and complete varies goals.


請各位多多使用這個部落格,來執行 PROJECT。